
The Do More Blog: A Prelude To Increased Participation

I slept in today, which normally isn't that bad of a thing. But today, I slept in until sometime around 5.30p, which is a problem, and it's a problem that has been occurring more and more lately. Therein lies my inspiration to create this blog. I feel lazy a lot of the time. The world is huge and crazy and spinning around me, and here I am...laying in bed. I'm 21 years old, and it's the beginning (or middle or early to middle) of what could be the most promising and exciting time in my life, but the problem is that I lack motivation. I don't know why. I need something to rearrange my mental furniture, and my mental notes are getting swept under the rug. SO. Here I am, putting myself, my views, my interests, my explorations, my realizations, and anything (maybe everything) else out in this give-and-take atmosphere in a somewhat formal promise to myself to Do More.


And now for a brief introduction for those of you who don't know me (and maybe some food for thought for those that do).

I am a 21 year old student of fine-art photography in Indianapolis Indiana. I wait tables a few days a week at a mid-scale Mediterranean restaurant downtown, and I live not far from there. I was born and raised in the suburbs of Muncie. Moving to downtown Indianapolis in the summer after graduating high school was a stressful and important change. It allowed me and forced me to open up more than I had ever done before. In preparation of this move and of the beginning of a new chapter, I came to a point where I felt it necessary to let the people I love know me (as much as I knew myself at the time). Within the matter of a couple months (I think) I came out to my close friends and family. That stirred things up a bit (mainly with my family), but, saving the individual details, the waters have since calmed, but not completely cooled. I have spent the years taking a stab at doing what I want, as opposed to doing what was expected of me, which is how I feel I spent a lot of my Muncie time.

This, I hope, is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

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